Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Harbour Island

We spent the day on Harbour Island,which is a two hour ferry ride from Nassau. The ride was beautiful and the Island was awe inspiring. It is SO different from Nassau. The pace is slower, the feel is more down home and the views are absolutely incredible! One of our favorite things about Harbour Island is how everyone / everything coexist. You will see a picture of our wandering chicken...they were everywhere. Walking down the road, hanging out at the beach, and they were beautiful! Never thought I would say that about a chicken. We also followed several horses as they wandered through town. No one seemed alarmed by this so we are guessing this is a normal occurrence.

The beach was the most beautiful spot we have seen in our adventures. I don't know if you can tell, but the sand is pink! The water was picture perfect, even though it was the temperature of bath water. Bahamians tell us that this is their ideal water temperature and in the winter, when the water gets 'chilly', they won't put their toes in it. Ah, can you imagine their surprise at nice refreshing dip in a Colorado lake?

We have decided that when we return to The Bahamas we will definitely make time to check out more of the family islands. They are a little bit of heaven on earth, untouched and unspoiled by the hectic pace of the 21st century.

Tomorrow Kurtis and the girls head back to Louisville. It doesn't seem possible that our time here is at an end. It has been an amazing ride and one that we will not soon forget. Back to packing!



Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great day! See you all very soon.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that it's time for you to come home, either. Seems like Brian and I were still toying with the idea of coming to see you guys. Maybe at your "next" destination! :-)
You are blessed indeed to have had this unique experience. What a great "learning summer" for the girls!
We'll be anxious to see you again soon!
Skyla & family